ADHD Psychotherapy
The psychotherapy is long-term work: During this work, we move beyond raising awareness and learning to principles of managing your neurodivergent life. The therapy provides psychological and emotional holding in the process. It provides a journey of exploration of who are you? What are your personal symptoms? What happened during your life? Working through pain, shame, and trauma. Heal past wounds and empower you from the inside to find your unique way in the world. Overcoming negative beliefs, learning: to manage past experiences, to soothe yourself, to nurture yourself, and become your own best friend rather than your enemy. Learn how to handle your relationships with others and develop a compassionate relationship with yourself.
As children, we aren’t necessarily aware of our differences until we are taught that we are different. We didn’t realise that we were neurodivergent. We are not aware of being slower, more hyper, or not as sharp until someone points it out. Through these experiences, we form our beliefs. The beliefs are also impacted by our immediate environment – our family or a community surrounding us – our extended family, the village, our surrounding community. By becoming aware of our beliefs, we can reflect on them and evaluate them, whether they are still useful beliefs or outdated. The decisions we make about ourselves, others, and the world when we are little, at any age, might not support us in adult life. Therefore these have to be looked at and worked through.
The ADHD psychotherapy work includes:
- Raising awareness of your personal ADHD symptoms
- Develop awareness of your Sensory Over or Under stimulation
- Manage your past and create a promising future
- Manage your masking and shame
- Develop self-confidence and self-worth
- Develop a positive intrapsychic dialogue that is kind and nurturing
- Create a balanced life rhythm
- Start to take steps toward manifesting your life goals